Girl Power

Take Flight.

When anxiety sets in, it's a natural response for me to fight or flight... I usually choose the fight.  During these moments, I often forget to step back and listen to that inner voice that is telling me to "simmer down".
It was during one such moment today when both girls were being "snarky" and demanding and crying that I happened to open an email from my husband and it made me immediately reflect... and slow down.
Here are the words of wisdom that were passed on to him today:

 Define your intentions and commit.
 Go into Nature and Ask for Divine Guidance.
 Outline your steps.
 Take Action.
 Embrace Community.  It is going to take help.
 Be of Service.
 Allow everything to change.

 Allow everything to change.

I've defined my intentions and committed.  I'm going outside to immediately have a conversation with the woodpecker that lives in our tree.  Tomorrow I will outline my steps and begin to take action.
I've already said that I will be an agent of change.  I told that to the "higher ups" at the TV station the day I left.  Corporate America wasn't amused.  I feel sorry for Corporate America.  Because I will be of service and I am willing to allow everything to change.  It's already happening.

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