Girl Power

Birds of a Feather

Robins on a wire

Yesterday a flock of robins landed in my yard and literally took over.  Hundreds of them perched in trees and wire all around the house.  Their chirps were so loud that my cat wanted to get outside and take a look at what all the fuss was about.  They were drinking out of our pond and pool... picking at bugs in the yard.  
I hope this means that spring is just around the corner here in my neck of the woods !!


Bodhi & Friend


Black Capped Chickadee 

Tufted Titmouse


My little bird watcher

I am obsessed with birds.  I have a dozen or so feeders around my house and I am going broke keeping them filled with seed and suet.   I can't help it.  I just love my feathered friends.   I love watching them.  I have names for them.  The cardinal couple is known as the Castanzas (after George's parents).. I gave them this moniker because their chirps sound like they are constantly bickering with one another.  I guess that's what happens when you mate for life.

We purchased a feeder that attaches to our dining room window and it wasn't long before our friends noticed.  We've counted 17 different kinds of birds so far.  Our favorites include the black capped chickadee and the tufted titmouse.

We also get the occasional squirrel who has managed to figure out how to use its acrobatic skills to hang on the feeder... but one word of warning for our squirrel friends... BEWARE of the curious cat... she will eat you !!
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