Girl Power

Sweet Juliette's Surgery Date Has Been Set

This is Juliette's referral picture taken in Maoming, China.  I'm not sure how old she is here but it is the face that I fell in love with.  From the beginning I knew Juliette was special.  She weighed less than 5 pounds at birth... I don't know if she was a preemie or not... but I do know that since this tiny little girl was born... she's been a fighter.   Her paperwork listed her as suffering from "droopy eyes"... which we now know is a congenital condition called Ptosis.  Basically her eyelid muscles don't work, so to compensate she has to tilt her head back to see.  This condition has worsened over the last 18 months to the point that she repeatedly falls and bumps into things.  We've made the decision to go ahead with surgery to lift her lids.  Our surgeon is using a procedure with Dynarod Slings that will in essence act as a window shade of sorts.  The sling will attach to Juliette's forehead muscles and it is those muscles that will eventually enable Jules to open and shut her lids.

Surgery is set for Monday, July 12th at 7:30am.  We are all very hopeful that this will open up Juliette's world even more.  I'm sad for the fact that the face we fell in love with is going to change... that sweet / timid little girl in the photograph who is completely unaware about her fate... but with those eyes that beseech someone to love her.  

We LOVE her beyond words... and we are so fortunate to have this warm, caring, silly little pixie in our lives.  I'm looking forward to Monday.  Change IS a good good thing.

Please keep Juliette in your thoughts and prayers.

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