Girl Power

Surgery Day

6:15am:  Dad & Juliette resting in the lobby of the hospital prior to surgery

8:30am Juliette is wheeled into recovery

Sore baby

12:30pm:  Eyes wide open

What a day !!  Juliette was such a brave girl today.  We got to the hospital around 6:15am and by 7:30 Juliette was on her way to surgery.  She didn't go quietly... so scared to be taken out of my arms.  She let the doctors know all about it.  The procedure took about 50 minutes and she came through it like a rock star !!  By the time we were taken back to recovery, Juliette was mad as a hornet.  She had lots of goop (that's a very medical term) in her eyes and was too sore to open them.  She calmed down immediately when she heard our voices.  I was allowed to pick her up and sit in a recliner throughout the recovery process.  We left the hospital around 10:30am... and two hours later she was able to fully open her eyes for the first time.  

It was an INCREDIBLE moment.  She turned to me... blinked several times and said, "I can see!"
A little while later, she turned to me and asked, "Look in the mirror?"  I picked her up and took her to look at herself.  She immediately started smiling... leaned in for a closer look and declared that she now has "big eyes!"  

I am amazed how quickly she's recovering... by late this afternoon she was dancing in the living room and playing with Maisie.  I am so grateful for the medical team that helped to change my daughter's life.
So happy that her world has opened up even further.

Tonight, as she was brushing her teeth, she again leaned into the mirror for a closer look.  This time she declared:  "I look weird."  I told her no you don't, you look beautiful.  But she persisted with her weird declaration... then turned to me and asked... "Why that man take my eyebrows ?"  :)  She makes me laugh !!   What a joy to have this child in my life !!!

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1 Response
  1. I love all these photos. I'm so glad she is doing well.

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